1. 天方夜谭:在阿拉伯人的土耳其人的著名的中世纪故事<<天方夜谭>>(Arabian Nights)上,我们时常看见有不识不知的黑奴在服侍着他的养尊处优的主人. 在许多的十字军故事(Crusade's Story)上,我们也时常看有无数的黑奴在为他的主人--武士荷刀执盾.
2. 沙拉布莱曼(英国):夜之乐章<<歌剧魅影>:酷玩乐队(美国):金色的光辉yellow | 沙拉布莱曼(英国):夜之乐章<<歌剧魅影>>arabian nights | 迈克尔杰克逊(美国):拯救地球 Herl the world
1. The musical Arabian Nights will be performed for the general public for the first time in Beijing early next month.
2. The general view was that the report was an Arabian Nights story, fooling the general public.
3. " It is like a story in the'Arabian Nights', " said Li.
1. a collection of folktales in Arabic dating from the 10th century
Synonym: Arabian Nights' Entertainment Thousand and One Nights