
arbitrate [ˈɑ:bɪtreɪt]  [ˈɑ:rbɪtreɪt] 






arbitrate 基本解释


arbitrate 网络解释

1. 仲裁:具体体现在以下几个方面:1.仲裁(Arbitrate). 由证券行业自律机构仲裁证券民事纠纷,是美国ADR的重要特征. 证券仲裁由证券业自律组织(SRO)管辖的仲裁法庭完成,主要解决投资人与经纪人及交易商之间的纠纷. SRO的仲裁服务接受SEC合规检查办公室(OCIE)的监管.

2. 任意的:arbitrary, totally 完全任意的 | arbitrate 任意的 | arbitration 判优

3. 公断:arbitrarydictatorialassertivenessdogmatisedogmatismdogmatize 独断 | arbitrate 公断 | arbitrate 公断

arbitrate 词典解释

1. 仲裁;公断
    When someone in authority arbitrates between two people or groups who are in dispute, they consider all the facts and make an official decision about who is right.

    e.g. He arbitrates between investors and members of the association...
    e.g. The tribunal had been set up to arbitrate in the dispute.

He served as an arbitrator in a series of commercial disputes in India.
arbitrate 单语例句

1. He prefers to ignore them instead of having to arbitrate a fight.

2. Parties may therefore wish to arbitrate offshore under arbitration rules which expressly contemplate document production, or consider adopting express provision for document production in their agreement.

3. arbitrate的反义词

3. If none of these tests are met and the parties nonetheless arbitrate outside of China, the resulting award will not be enforced in China.

4. But in practice, inexperienced jurors commonly take a back seat and stay silent while professional judges arbitrate cases.

5. arbitrate的反义词

5. Since CIETAC expanded in 2000 to arbitrate all types of trade conflicts, the number of cases has on average increased between 30 and 40 percent annually.

6. arbitrate什么意思

6. Both sides agreed to let the WTO arbitrate and a WTO disputes panel is expected to rule soon on which side is right.

7. arbitrate

7. Should that fail, the US and EU may ask the multilateral trading body to arbitrate and rule.

arbitrate 英英释义



1. act between parties with a view to reconciling differences

    e.g. He interceded in the family dispute
           He mediated a settlement

    Synonym: intercede mediate intermediate liaise