
ardour [ˈɑ:də]  [ˈɑrdɚ] 

ardour 基本解释



ardour 网络解释


1. 热心:可是华莱士先生的热心(ardour)却使得他一再地自己欺骗自己,因 此他在一切细节上证实了加尔颅骨图,确定了催眠者和被催眠者之间的神秘联系. ......他所注意的并不是去探究这种江湖骗术的真相,而是不惜代价使所有的现象重 现出来.

2. 热情:这样,我们不过开玩笑似地怀疑了一下,便发现催眠颅相学的江湖骗术遥基础是许多清醒状态的现象大半只在程度上有所不同的、无需任何神秘解释的现象,可是华莱士先生的热情(ardour)却使得他一再地自己欺骗自己,由此他在一切细节上证实了加尔颅骨图,

3. [魅力反射]:名称:魅力反射(ardour) 漫画 分享网址:内容和魅力反射(ardour)可能相关的小说:内容和魅力反射(ardour)可能相关的资讯:

4. 激情:ardent 热心的 | ardour 激情 | arduous 费力的

ardour 词典解释
in AM, use 美国英语用 ardor

1. 激情;热情
    Ardour is a strong, intense feeling of love or enthusiasm for someone or something.

    e.g. ...songs of genuine passion and ardour.
    e.g. ardor for football.

ardour 单语例句

1. Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra will present a concert next weekend called Ardour Sparkle.

2. Most of them were zealous before taking their posts but lost ardour as hopes of further promotions dimmed.

3. I love the country folk but I didn't want their dirty yaks dampening the ardour of my new admirers.

4. She has the ardour of youth, the knowledge of a devoted student and the passion of a woman in love.

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5. Luo's works are characterized with strong passion revealed by the abundant use of ardour, liveliness and active lines and colours.

6. The rejection has not had a dampening effect on Matthew's ardour, and he's busy plotting his next move to land the date.

7. Their ardour toward the game has won praise from Asian Football Confederation officials.

ardour 英英释义


1. feelings of great warmth and intensity

    e.g. he spoke with great ardor

    Synonym: ardor fervor fervour fervency fire fervidness

2. ardour什么意思

2. intense feeling of love

    Synonym: ardor

3. a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause)

    e.g. they were imbued with a revolutionary ardor
           he felt a kind of religious zeal

    Synonym: ardor elan zeal