
argentan [ɑ:d'ʒəntæn]  [ɑ:d'ʒəntæn] 

argentan 基本解释

[医] 新银,白铜

argentan 网络解释

1. 锌白铜:argental mercury 银汞 | argentan 锌白铜 | argentiferous lead 含银铅

2. 阿戎坦:阿根塔 Argenta | 阿戎坦 Argentan | 阿根塔略山 Argentario Mtn.

3. 阿尔让唐:Argei阿尔格伊-选自李维 穆译本 | Argentan 阿尔让唐 | Argentina 阿根廷

4. 锌白铜,德银:arfvedsonite || 亚铁钠闪矿 | argentan || 锌白铜,德银 | argentiferous || 含银的

argentan 双语例句

1. The desperate Patton called ever-calm Bradley on the telephone, pleading for a change in the boundary line so that he could go north from Argentan to Falaise.

2. Afterwards, Eleanor proceeded to gather together her movable possessions in England and transport them on several ships in December to Argentan.

3. The Canadians did not get to Falaise until August 17 (a prize Montgomery had held out as a possibility on D-Day) and then failed to close the gap between Falaise and Argentan.


4. But instead of plunging ahead to Paris, the Americans turned to the northwest, toward Argentan, in pursuit of the short envelopment of the German armies in Normandy.

5. Montgomery and Bradley agreed that the Americans should halt outside Argentan to await the Canadians (with the Polish 1st Armored Division in the lead) coming from Falaise.

6. By August 18, a week after the lead American elements had reached Argentan, the 1st Polish Armored Division moved south, almost so the point of linking up with the U. S. 90th Division, finally released for a northward drive to close the gap.