
armored ['ɑ:məd]  ['ɑ:məd] 





armored 基本解释

形容词装甲的; 配备有装甲车辆的

动词为…穿盔甲(或加置装甲) ( armor的过去式和过去分词 ); 为…提供防御

armored 网络解释


1. 装甲车:索尼(Sony)的惊悚片<<装甲车>>(Armored)以660万美元排在第六位,在1,915家影院的平均收入为3,446美元. 这部影片由马特狄龙(Matt Dillon)和劳伦斯费什博恩(Laurence Fishburne)主演.

2. 装甲:眼下,这位混血小子已然在好莱坞打出了名堂,除了本片和仍正在热播的剧集<<英雄>>外,米洛已然有三部影片<<混沌理论>>(The Chaos Theory)、<<游戏>>(Game)和<<装甲>>(Armored)即将在今明两年上映.

3. 装甲的; 武装的:armor, armament and ammunition 装甲 , 军械和弹药 | armored 装甲的; 武装的 | armored division 装甲师

armored 词典解释

1. -> see armoured

armored 单语例句

1. A cameraman in the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali saw dozens of tanks and armored personnel carriers arriving in the town from the south.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. A large convoy of about 250 armored vehicles carrying Gadhafi's loyalists has crossed into neighboring Niger on Tuesday.

3. Military officials at the Seventh Armored Cavalry's base near here said they could not confirm the villagers'account.


4. Witnesses in Jenin said tanks and armored vehicles entered the city in the northern West Bank from four directions during the night.

5. Israel has reacted coldly to a Russian proposal to give the Palestinians 50 armored vehicles, fearing they could fall into the hands of militants.

6. armored什么意思

6. The security men in the armored cars returned fire and quickly exploded green and white smoke bombs for concealment.

7. armored的意思

7. On display are also the latest weaponry including 20 armored vehicles and other military logistics equipment.

8. Five people were killed when a bank's armored van veered off the road into a ditch and exploded into flames in Henan province.

9. Marines in armored vehicles were seen at the eastern entrance of the town but later withdrew.

10. Soldiers from US Airborne division in armored vehicles were guarding some of the collapsed government ministry buildings near the palace.

armored 英英释义



1. armored的翻译

1. protected by armor (used of persons or things military)

    Synonym: armoured

2. used of animals
    provided with protective covering

    Synonym: armoured

3. equipped with the complete arms and armor of a warrior

    Synonym: panoplied