
armoury [ˈɑ:məri]  [ˈɑːrməri] 



armoury 基本解释

名词军械库; 兵工厂; 军事建筑

armoury 网络解释

1. 军械库:城中军械库(Armoury)收藏有三万多件稀奇珍贵的古代军械,是全世界规模最大的古代兵器收藏馆. 正是因为格拉茨有着保存完好的众多历史文化古迹,1999年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产,并被评为2003年欧洲文化之都.

2. 盔甲厂:- 鐵匠 Blacksmith | - 盔甲廠 Armoury | - 皇宮 Palace

3. 军械库,(美)兵工厂:ambulance救护车,野战医院 | armoury军械库,(美)兵工厂 | barracks军营

4. 军械室:Archives 档案室 | Armoury 军械室 | Barracks 兵舍

armoury 词典解释
in AM, use 美国英语用 armory

1. armoury是什么意思

1. (一国所有的)武器装备
    A country's armoury is all the weapons and military equipment that it has.

    e.g. Nuclear weapons will play a less prominent part in NATO's armoury in the future...
    e.g. Delegates signed a treaty to reduce the armouries of conventional weapons in Europe.

2. 军械库;武器库
    An armoury is a place where weapons, bombs, and other military equipment are stored.

3. (美国国民警卫队或陆军后备队的)操练厅,会议厅
    In the United States, an armoury is a building used by the National Guard or Army Reserve for meetings and training.

4. 兵工厂
    An armoury is a factory where weapons are made.

5. 宝库;法宝;锦囊
    You can refer to a large number of things which someone has available for a particular purpose as their armoury .

    e.g. The strongest weapon in the government's armoury is the price cuts announced on Saturday...
    e.g. Modern medicine has a large armoury of drugs for the treatment of mental illness.

armoury 单语例句

1. He used a large vehicle to vent his rage, an Army tank he'd stolen from an armoury.

armoury 英英释义


1. armoury在线翻译

1. a place where arms are manufactured

    Synonym: armory arsenal


2. a military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of arms

    Synonym: arsenal armory

3. armoury的近义词

3. all the weapons and equipment that a country has

    Synonym: arsenal armory

4. a collection of resources

    e.g. he dipped into his intellectual armory to find an answer

    Synonym: armory inventory