army group

army group [ˈɑ:mi ɡru:p]  [ˈɑrmi ɡrup] 

army group 基本解释

army group

名词军团; 集团军群

army group 网络解释

1. 集团军群:红军 集团军群 (army group) 十二万人以上 两个军团以上 五星上将或 元帅XXXX 军团或 红军 集团军 (army) 十万人 两个军以上 上将XXX 军 (Corps) 三万到六万人 两个师以上 中将XX 师 (division) 一万到两万人 二到四个旅或 二到四个团 少将X 旅 (brigade) 二千到五千人 两个团或 三到六个营 准将III 团 (regiment or group

2. 集團軍:二战中美国的陆军编制中,师(division)以上的单位是军(corps),军以上的单位是军团(army),军团以上的单位是集团军(army group). 师编制的大小因兵种及国家而不同,一般在一万人上下,但是也有大至二万人.基本上师含步兵,炮兵,工兵等兵种,

3. (兵團):Military Region (軍區) | Army Group (兵團) | Army Company (集團軍)

4. 方面軍軍事兵種:11230方柱工業營造,修建pier column | 11231方面軍軍事兵種army group | 11232方案政治公文project

army group 单语例句

1. The activity aimed to improve officers'skills in actual combat, in collaboration with an army group.

2. An army rescue team from nearby Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and another group of armed police from Ari are on the way.

3. army group的反义词

3. That was a scene of a comprehensive maneuver for armament support carried out by a group army of the Beijing Military Area Command.

4. The plan had been to forge to the north, join with He Long's Second Army group and cross the Yangzi River.

5. The army said the group was scouting ahead of an ambush by gunmen.

6. The Islamic Army in Iraq is a rebel group known for kidnapping and killing foreigners.

7. The army is seeking to uproot a militant group called Fatah Islam, which arose in the camp late last year.

8. KHARTOUM - The Sudanese army announced Sunday that the head of the main rebel group in the restive western region of Darfur had been killed.

9. Baghdad Radio announced the Army has liberated the Iraqi people from domination by a corrupt group put in power by " imperialism ".

10. The army says the operation is directed only at the ruling Hamas militant group.