第三人称复数:arranged marriages
1. 包办婚姻:西方有学者研究表明:包办婚姻(arranged marriage)离婚率低于自由恋爱. 舆论哗然. 这似乎说明,包办婚姻的人更幸福. 其实不然. 研究者进一步推论:留在婚姻中的人并不定是因为婚姻幸福,能够接受包办婚姻的人比较逆来顺受,在婚姻出现问题的时候也不愿意选择离婚.
2. 相亲结婚:上头详述彼此相同的种性阶级为结婚第一要件;还有即使在大城孟买(Mumbai)工作的印度友人,他们没有恋爱的自由,婚姻必须由双方家长共同决定. 至今大多数印度人婚配皆为相亲结婚(arranged marriage),且几乎所有的安排婚姻彼此皆为相同的种性.
3. [中]包办婚姻:antique n .古物,古董 | arranged marriage [中]包办婚姻 | backwardness n .落后
4. 撮合婚;包办婚姻:ARRAIZ, Juan;胡安.阿赖斯;; | arranged marriage;撮合婚;包办婚姻;; | Arrangement for Regional Fisheries Access;区域渔场准入安排;;
1. Zhang said he had never seen his wife before their wedding day 89 years ago because the marriage was arranged by their parents.
2. Abandoned medical studies and returned to Shaoxing for an arranged marriage, but soon returned to Tokyo with his brother Zhou Zuoren.
3. It contains the beautifully reconstituted story of his mother's arranged marriage and its painful aftermath.