
arranger [əˈreɪndʒə]  [əˈreɪndʒə] 


arranger 基本解释



arranger 网络解释

1. 安排行:很多人觉得投行在资本市场担任安排行(Arranger)的过程中, 谋取『暴利』是不道德. 枪口是瞄错了方向.薪金高是制度使然, 投行的分红制度令员工像拥有一个零溢金(Zero Premium)的认购期权(Call Option)般, 永远朝攻方面看,

2. [編曲]:紧你的怀中有我不安定的气息好想这样一直相拥到天明你的心跳我的呼吸那麼相契那麼规律我是你的你是我的在雪中结合的两颗心词(lyricist/composer): 许哲佩(peggy hsu) 制作人(producer): 陈建良/ 许哲佩编曲(arranger): mac che

3. 传动装置:arrangenent diagram 布置图 | arranger 传动装置 | arras 饰墙花毡

4. 安排、整理:ranger 放置、整理、安排 | arranger 安排、整理 | s'arranger 被安排、恢复

arranger 词典解释

1. (乐曲)改编者
    An arranger is a musician who arranges music by other composers, either for particular instruments or voices, or for a particular performance.

2. 安排者;筹备者
    An arranger is a person who arranges things for other people.

    e.g. ...a loan arranger.

arranger 单语例句


1. The company hired HSBC Holdings to manage the sale and may add another arranger, the sources said.

arranger 英英释义


1. a musician who adapts a composition for particular voices or instruments or for another style of performance

    Synonym: adapter transcriber

2. arranger的解释

2. a person who brings order and organization to an enterprise

    e.g. she was the organizer of the meeting

    Synonym: organizer organiser