arrive late

arrive late

arrive late 单语例句

1. She was to arrive in Berlin late Monday and meet with Germany's new Chancellor Angela Merkel early Tuesday.


2. Those who arrive late or leave early will be punished, according to the municipal efficiency office.

3. arrive late在线翻译

3. She is scheduled to arrive from Australia late Friday and fly out early Sunday.

4. It was expected to arrive in the East China Sea late last night.

5. In fact, autumn is about a week late to arrive in the capital compared to previous years.

6. arrive late什么意思

6. I called the restaurant to say I'd be late for my reservation, and a waitress asked me how long it would take me to arrive.

7. It said the first aircraft should arrive back in Sarajevo late on Thursday.

8. If you think it's too late to arrive at the restaurant, just call and see what they say.

9. They are expected to arrive in Seattle in late August and then make their debut in minor league competition.

10. arrive late

10. The pandas will arrive in late June and remain in the Yunnan park for two years.