
art [ɑ:t]  [ɑ:rt] 


art 基本解释


名词艺术; 艺术作品; (需要技术、工艺的)行业; 文艺(包括绘画、雕塑、建筑、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、文学等)

不及物动词thou art 即 you are,对一人讲话时用

形容词艺术的; 艺术品的; (为)艺术家的; 具有艺术性的

及物/不及物动词[口语](把…)装饰得古色古香,(把…)装饰得古怪而有艺术趣味,把…装饰得有艺术价值; 把…加以艺术乔装,使艺术化[仅用于 art up 短语中]

art 情景对话

Getting Started-(成立公司)

A:Let's review our start-up plans. When do you think we will be able to move into our new office?

B:Well, we can move in any time after July first, but moving in and actually getting started are two different things.

A:Good point. Anyway, I have our new marketing manager, Helen Parker, helping us get set up.

B:What is she doing?

A:She's overseeing the purchase of equipment and so forth.

B:Does she have a background in that sort of thing?

A:As a matter of fact, it turns out she practically ran her last company, from marketing to finance.

B:I'm looking forward to meeting her.

A:Have you begun to investigate factories? I'm so glad we aren't going to try to run our own factory at first.

B:Yes, I've started. And I've found some good people for R and D, too. Then there are the art people designing our logos-

A:Oh, no! Millions of details: logos, slogans, letterhead, name cards . . .

B:You thought setting up a company was going to be easy?

art 网络解释


1. 艺术学:新加坡美国高等教育学院(ACE)是美国威斯康星大学河瀑校区University of Wisconsin-River Falls市场营销学(MARC) 跨学科荣誉学士(HON) 国际化研究(INTS)艺术学(ART) 生物学(BIOL) 地理学(GEOG)化学(CHEM) 英语学(ENGL) 历史

2. art.:article; 条款

3. art:auxiliary reproductive technology; 辅助生殖技术

4. art:mankind aided reproductive technology; 人类辅助生殖技术

5. art:self-adaptive resonance theory; 自适应共振理论

6. art:atraumatic restortive treatment; 非创伤性充填技术

art 词典解释

1. 艺术(品);美术
    Art consists of paintings, sculpture, and other pictures or objects which are created for people to look at and admire or think deeply about.

    e.g. ...the first exhibition of such art in the West.
    e.g. ...contemporary and modern American art.

2. (作为活动或教学科目的)美术
    Art is the activity or educational subject that consists of creating paintings, sculptures, and other pictures or objects for people to look at and admire or think deeply about.

    e.g. ...a painter, content to be left alone with her all-absorbing art.
    e.g. ...Farnham College of Art and Design.

3. art什么意思

3. 艺术(活动)(如音乐、绘画、文学、电影、舞蹈等)
    The arts are activities such as music, painting, literature, cinema, and dance, which people can take part in for enjoyment, or to create works which express serious meanings or ideas of beauty.

    e.g. Catherine the Great was a patron of the arts and sciences.
    e.g. ...the Arts Council of Great Britain.

4. 人文学科;文科
    At a university or college, arts are subjects such as history, literature, or languages in contrast to scientific subjects.

    e.g. ...arts and social science graduates.
    e.g. ...the Faculty of Arts.

5. (用于剧院或电影院的名称中)上演艺术作品的,艺术的
    Arts or art is used in the names of theatres or cinemas which show plays or films that are intended to make the audience think deeply about the content, and not simply to entertain them.

    e.g. ...the Cambridge Arts Cinema.

6. 技术;技艺;技巧
    If you describe an activity as an art, you mean that it requires skill and that people learn to do it by instinct or experience, rather than by learning facts or rules.

    e.g. Fishing is an art.
    e.g. ...the unscientific arts of seduction and romance.

7. (be的现在式单数第二人称形式,过时用法)
    Art is an old-fashioned form of the second person singular of the present tense of the verb be.

    e.g. Father, I know thou art aware of me at all times.

8. see also: Bachelor of Arts;fine art;martial art;Master of Arts;state-of-the-art;work of art

art 单语例句

1. art的解释

1. Working with both Western and Chinese mediums - with acrylic and Chinese ink on canvas - Sculley enjoys the freedom art offers.

2. art的解释

2. Not only does the art of storytelling spin magic for the game industry, it also influences how advertising business works.

3. Chen was known to his fellow countrymen more as an art generalist and successful businessman than an exceptional painter.

4. She confirmed the world's art market has been buzzing after the Christie's sale in New York.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. Because the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games are art shows by nature, we of course must have our own characteristics and distinguishing features.

6. Ben Wilson fights the scourge of sidewalk gum by adorning it with his outsider art.

7. art

7. By " function " I mean presenting great art on its three stages.

8. I don't have the right face for acting, so I decided to learn stage art instead - painting backdrops and drawing posters.

9. Melancholy drove them to poetry, and they sought refuge in art as their kingdom weakened by the day.

10. art在线翻译

10. By the end of 2005, there were concerns the art market bubble might be bursting.

art 英英释义


1. the creation of beautiful or significant things

    e.g. art does not need to be innovative to be good
           I was never any good at art
           he said that architecture is the art of wasting space beautifully

    Synonym: artistic creation artistic production

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. the products of human creativity
    works of art collectively

    e.g. an art exhibition
           a fine collection of art

    Synonym: fine art

3. art的意思

3. a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation

    e.g. the art of conversation
           it's quite an art

    Synonym: artistry prowess

4. photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication

    e.g. the publisher was responsible for all the artwork in the book

    Synonym: artwork graphics nontextual matter