as mad as a hatter

as mad as a hatter [æz mæd æz ə ˈhætə]  [æz mæd æz e ˈhætɚ] 

as mad as a hatter 基本解释

as mad as a hatter

副词疯狂地; 如醉如狂

as mad as a hatter 网络解释

as mad as a hatter在线翻译

1. 大发雷霆:shed crocodile tears 猫哭老鼠 | as mad as a hatter 大发雷霆 | as dry as sawdust 味同嚼蜡

2. 疯狂地:as luck would have it 碰巧 | as mad as a hatter 疯狂地 | as mad as a March hare 疯狂地

3. 疯疯癫癫;像三月的野兔一样疯野:as mad as a buck发狂;疯狂 | as mad as a hatter疯疯癫癫;像三月的野兔一样疯野 | as mad as mud[俚语]发火,暴跳如雷

as mad as a hatter 双语例句

1. He is supposed to be mad as a hatter though, these day.

2. Some say to survive it: You need to be as mad as a hatter.

as mad as a hatter的反义词

3. He is as mad as a hatter.

as mad as a hatter

4. He`s supposed to be mad as a hatter, though, these days.

5. After trying to catch up with my work, I felt as though I was mad as a hatter.

6. He has become as mad as a hatter.

7. I often snort at my mother`s suggestions because she is as mad as a hatter.


8. He's as mad as a hatter; he's trying to cross a tomato with a potato to make pink mash to go with sausages and beans.

9. Anyone who thinks the moon is made of green cheese must be mad as a hatter.

10. He's supposed to be mad as a hatter, though, these days.