
ascendency [ə'sendənsɪ]  [ə'sendənsɪ] 

ascendency 基本解释


ascendency 网络解释

1. 优势:雅利安主义 Aryanism | 优势 Ascendency | 禁欲主义 Asceticism

2. 优势, 优越, 权势:ascendent 运星,运道,支配力,优势 | ascendency 优势,优越,权势 | ascension 上升,耶稣的升天

ascendency 词典解释

1. -> see ascendancy

ascendency 单语例句

1. However, it didn't mean that China had retrieved ascendency in the event.

2. Sunnis dominated Iraq under Saddam Hussein and their frustration at the ascendency of Shiites after the 2003 invasion helped fuel a fierce insurgency.

ascendency 英英释义


1. ascendency的解释

1. the state that exists when one person or group has power over another

    e.g. her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her

    Synonym: dominance ascendance ascendence ascendancy control