ask about

ask about [ɑ:sk əˈbaut]  [æsk əˈbaʊt] 

ask about 基本解释
ask about 网络解释

ask about

1. 询问:B 上文说大儿子已不喜欢夹带短信的午饭,而今打电话询问(ask about)午饭的事,怎不令母亲吃惊(surprise>>呢?40. C 考查动词. 句意为:如果有时间的话,在小镇上多逗留(stay)一段日子,会对它有更深的了解. march行军;work工作;wait等待.

2. 询问有关:8.too 太...而不能 | 9.ask about 询问有关 | 10.the best way to learn English 学英语的最好方法

3. 二十八:二十七、 | 二十八、ask about | 二十九、ask after

4. 盘查;打听:210. ask for 央求;寻求 | 211. ask about 盘查;打听 | 212. ask for leave 请假

ask about 单语例句

1. Some extras while away time between scenes by catching a nap, while others more serious about their craft would ask directors for acting tips.

2. As Obama stayed out of the public fray before the phone call, questions remained about White House involvement in the decision to ask Sherrod to resign.

3. He advised people who had joined tours to those locations to check with their travel agencies to ask about cancellations or refunds.

4. " So many have come up to ask about what they can do, " he said.

5. I grabbed this opportunity to ask his viewpoint about the CPC national congress report on Hong Kong affairs.

6. ask about什么意思

6. He offered few details about the economic stimulus measure he wants from the new Congress, saying he would ask his new team of advisers to consult with lawmakers.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. It allows users to ask questions about finding consumer goods, services or destinations once the program is activated on Apple's smart devices.

8. Ask any bungee jumper, and they will say it is all about the incredible adrenalin rush.

9. The report's authors want pediatricians to routinely ask patients and their parents about energy drink use and to advise against drinking them.

10. Investment experts ask people to remain cautious about gold investment and warn against huge purchase in a lump sum.