
assertions [ə'sɜ:ʃnz]  [ə'sɜ:ʃnz] 



assertions 基本解释
主张;声称( assertion的名词复数 );使用;明确肯定;
assertions 网络解释


1. 认定:70.substantive procedures 实质性程序 | 71.assertions 认定 | 72.esistence 存在

2. 断言,主张:exaggerated 夸张的 | assertions 断言,主张 | offended 被冒犯 adj.offensive

3. 认订:70.substantive procedures 本质性程序 | 71.assertions 认订 | 72.esistence 具有

assertions 单语例句

1. The latest wave of violence raised questions about assertions by Iraq's national security adviser last week that al Qaeda's days in Iraq were numbered.

2. These experts believe that global warming is a natural phenomenon, and they point to reams of data they say supports their assertions.

3. Such assertions have only driven a wedge between the two countries and given rightists an opening to pursue their hawkish ends.

4. Each time he insisted on guiding the choice of his successor, though his assertions kept changing in form.

5. The king denied assertions that his government finances schools that teach a fundamentalist philosophy of Islam that can lead to militancy.

6. In a sense then the public debate is hijacked by the hegemonic press to assertions of misdeeds.

7. assertions的翻译

7. Henry won for reporting on the Bush administration's contradicting assertions that top Iranian officials had authorized sending improvised explosive devices to Iraq.

8. A spokesman for US Central Command in Florida had no comment when asked about assertions that the heroism tale was government propaganda.

9. assertions的翻译

9. Sandwiched between his acid criticisms and ironic assertions was a brief criticism of the West.

10. Fok said while the six assertions may have pointed up certain facts, those facts were not strictly unlawful or irrational in and of themselves.