






asserts 基本解释
声称( assert的第三人称单数 );维护;坚持自己的主张;生效;
asserts 单语例句

1. asserts的反义词

1. Chavez has consistently accused the US of conspiring to oust him and often asserts the CIA is working to destabilize his government.

2. The $ 100 billion a year mobile phone industry asserts that there is no conclusive evidence of harmful effects as a result of electromagnetic radiation.

3. Iran asserts its military is not involved in nuclear activities, and the IAEA has found no firm evidence to the contrary.

4. President Hu rightly asserts that financial and technology investments can address the climate change problem while advancing prosperity for all nations.

5. But he asserts that a little controversy is the manifestation of vitality of a piece of art work.

6. But Tehran says the program serves purely civilian purposes and asserts its right to enrich uranium for use in nuclear power plants to generate electricity.

7. asserts是什么意思

7. The " House of Wax " actress asserts that she didn't support the release of steamy video with her ex lover Rick Solomon to made more cash.

8. Baidu asserts it has placed great importance on intellectual property rights protection and formulated measures to safeguard the rights of intellectual property right holders.

9. The report asserts that the project will never make enough money to pay off the loans made to finance it.

10. An Oxford scientist asserts that belief in God is irrational and that religion has done great harm in the world.