astronomical year

astronomical year

astronomical year 双语例句

1. Light-year is an astronomical unit.

2. This year's autumnal equinox will occur at 5:19 am Wednesday, according to the latest published astronomical almanac of China.

astronomical year

3. But, come down one year astronomical...

4. Know astronomical unit and light year are used for expressing the distance between celestial bodies.

5. It sold 10, 000 copies in its first week and 300, 000 by the end of the year, astronomical numbers for the mid-nineteenth century.


6. In addition to their dazzling performance in various contests and games, professional sportsmen attract people's attention because of the astronomical figures they earn every year.

7. Modern astronomers has proved to be the ancient Maya predicted in 2012 on 21 December, the Earth, the Sun and the Galactic Centre will precisely in a straight line, the astronomical events only every other year 25800 occurs only once, no one knows this unusual arrangement on earth can, but the Mayan people know this is terrible.

8. However, for astronomical reason, the method he used to derive the length value of tropical year from shadow measurements only has a limited reliability in his time.

astronomical year

9. A little over a year ago, a contemporary evening auction unfolded like a Hollywood thriller, with billionaires in cameo roles and astronomical prices in lieu of stunts. Nowadays, a sale is more like a low-budget soap opera.


10. A little over a year ago, a contemporary evening auction unfolded like a Hollywood thriller, with billionaires in cameo roles and astronomical prices in lieu of stunts.

11. This year, Marcelo Magnasco and Constantino Baikouzis at Rockefeller University in New York examined the Odyssey for astronomical references to the date of Odysseus'return.

12. The scientists then searched for potential dates that satisfied all three astronomical conditions close to the date of Troy's fall, which has since Schliemann's time been estimated to have occurred between 1250 and 1115 B. C. In this 135 year period, only one date satisfied all three references - April 16, 1178 B. C., the same date as the eclipse calculated by Schoch and Neugebauer in the 1920s.
      科学家们然后寻找潜在的日期能够满足所有这三个条件接近天文数字的日期特洛伊的下降,这已经谢里曼的时间估计已发生12时50分至公元前1115年在这一百三十五年时期,迄今只有一个满意的所有三个参考资料-1 178年4月1 6号前,在同一日期作为计算月食和挪克伯肖赫在2 0世纪2 0年代。

13. The book lists all predictable astronomical phenomena for the coming year, such as planetary, lunar, and eclipse data.

14. The main purpose of the intercalary month is to correct for deviations of the calendrical year from the astronomical year.

astronomical year 单语例句

1. astronomical year在线翻译

1. Pluto was demoted from planet status at a meeting of the International Astronomical Union last year.


2. But throwing away astronomical amounts on food and drinks every year is a gross misuse of taxpayers'money.

3. astronomical year的反义词

3. Nowadays you see conspicuous consumption of things like Valentine's Day or New Year's Eve dinners for astronomical prices.