
atoll [ˈætɒl]  [ˈætɔ:l] 


atoll 基本解释



atoll 网络解释

1. 环礁:我国海南岛南海岸,西沙群岛中岛屿的沿岸都有这种裙礁;(2)堡礁(Barrier reef)靠岸较远,礁坪与大陆海岸或海岛已被礁湖(lagoon)所隔离,著名的澳大利亚大堡礁,沿其东北海岸延伸出2000多公里、宽约50公里,构成了地球上最大的大堡礁;(3)环礁(atoll)孤立于开阔的海洋中,

2. 环礁 環礁:环礁环礁(atoll) 海洋上呈环状或马蹄状的珊瑚礁. 我国古代称为'石塘'. 其上往往堆积有由珊瑚礁碎屑组成的沙帽,即形成珊瑚岛. 被包围的水面称为礁湖,可成为优良避风港. 相关条目

3. 环状珊瑚岛:图瓦卢(Tuvalu, 或称吐瓦鲁)由9个环状珊瑚岛(Atoll)组富(Funafuti) 岛,状如香蕉,语义为香蕉之岛. 全国人口前往图瓦卢的国际航空公司:斐济航空公司(Air Fiji) 每周自苏瓦(Suva) 直飞图瓦卢首都富纳富提(Funafuti).

4. 珊瑚岛:简介: 吐瓦鲁(Tuvalu)由九个环状珊瑚岛(Atoll)组成,位於西南太平洋,南纬五度至十度,西经一七六度至一七九度之间,南北纵深约五六○公里. 九岛分布如贝壳状,其中一岛几无人烟. 全国陆地面积仅二十五.九平方公里,无山丘河流,

atoll 词典解释

1. 环状珊瑚岛;环礁
    An atoll is a ring of coral rock, or a group of coral islands surrounding a lagoon.

atoll 单语例句

1. Picture taken in 1971, showing a nuclear explosion in Mururoa atoll.

2. Japanese officials said in April that the commission agreed with Japan that the sea basin north of the atoll was part of its continental shelf.

3. Japan has been trying to make the atoll a de facto island through a series of moves over the years.

4. Calling the atoll an island " would shrink international waters " and damage global maritime interests, he said.

5. The atoll is being eyed as a base to monitor south Asia and the South China Sea.

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6. The dispute over the status of the atoll began to simmer in 2004.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. The two neighbors have yet to reach an agreement over the status of the atoll.

8. " Building facilities on it would not change the atoll's legal status, " Jiang said.

atoll 英英释义


1. an island consisting of a circular coral reef surrounding a lagoon