
attained [ə'teɪnd]  [ə'teɪnd] 




attained 基本解释
达到;获得;实现( attain的过去式和过去分词 );
attained 网络解释


1. 获得:心脏和胸部大血管满意地显示仍然没能获得(attained).在以后的40年,血管造影技术发展成为在事实上应用于所有器官的完美无暇的(polished)和用途广泛的(versatile)技术.

2. 达到,获得:Ponderous 笨重的heavy | Attained 达到,获得achieved | Peculiar 独特的,奇异的strange

3. 取得:Activated 激励 | Attained 取得 | Competed 竞争

4. 达到:Assisted 援助 | Attained 达到 | Attended 参加

attained 单语例句

1. China's enormous achievements and progress over the past three decades have been attained by means of this policy.

2. He has also attained international renown for his studies on lacquer ware and ancient music, and his scholarly pursuits included training a hawk to catch hares.

3. attained在线翻译

3. Its gas imports from central Asia have also attained maximum contract volume, said the company.

4. attained的翻译

4. Two in five Hong Kong students in Australia have not attained English competency even after they graduate from the universities there.

5. It's not uncommon for those who have made the move to complain about the new environment and quit before they have attained their goals.

6. Tibet has attained the contractual value of US $ 125 million in overseas investment over the past five years.

7. Palfrey attained a criminal justice degree in college but was ended up as a cocktail waitress in California.

8. attained

8. The goal of doubling per capita income will only be attained by favoring ordinary residents when distributing the national wealth.

9. Eighty polluted river drainage areas out of 115 attained the state standard in 2008, according to a report released by the MEP yesterday.

10. The speakers also issued a joint statement at the end of the meeting, speaking positively of the achievements attained since the establishment of the SCO five years ago.

attained 英英释义


1. achieved or reached

    e.g. the actual attained achievement test score