attend to

attend to [əˈtend tu:]  [əˈtɛnd tu] 

attend to 基本解释
attend to 相关例句


1. You should attend better to your studies.

2. The nurse is attending to a sick man.

attend to 网络解释


1. 照顾:35.bring up... 教育,培养;提出 | 36.attend to... 照顾 | 37.give due attention to... 对......给予应有的注意

2. 专心;照顾,护理:attend on 照顾,侍候 | attend to 专心;照顾,护理 | back and forth (前后)来回地,往返

3. 处理:relate to 理解,同情,涉及,(与......)有关 | attend to 处理 | belong to 属于

4. 办理;处理;注意听;照顾:object to 反对 | attend to 办理;处理;注意听;照顾 | look forward to 期待;盼望

attend to 单语例句

1. The man told the escorts he had to leave immediately because he had some urgent business to attend to.

2. While distracting topics such as cybersecurity may continue to make the headlines, trade and economic relations remain the business to attend to.

3. The girl's father said she was missing class at school to attend the meeting and Obama obliged by writing a note of absence.

4. attend to的近义词

4. No further disciplinary action is expected following the FA's investigation of the alleged tunnel incident, although both clubs have been invited to attend a peace meeting.

5. The Cambridge University professor was in Beijing to attend a recent conference on China's public finance organized by Peking University's School of Economics.

6. The president usually spends weekends at Camp David, but remained in town to attend Saturday evening's annual Gridiron dinner.

7. The Chinese president arrived here from Canberra Wednesday to attend the annual APEC Economic Leaders Meeting.

8. Candy has always maintained she didn't attend Stella's party as she did not want the reunion with her estranged daughter to be filmed.

9. " Most of them are going to attend the Canton Fair, " Tan said.

10. The children who attend the school range in age from 7 to 17, but infants who were with their mothers are also among those being held captive.

attend to 英英释义

attend to


1. get down to
    pay attention to
    take seriously

    e.g. Attend to your duties, please

    Synonym: take to heart

2. work for or be a servant to

    e.g. May I serve you?
           She attends the old lady in the wheelchair
           Can you wait on our table, please?
           Is a salesperson assisting you?
           The minister served the King for many years

    Synonym: serve wait on attend assist