
attest [əˈtest]  [əˈtɛst] 






attest 基本解释

及物动词作证; 宣称…为真实的; 证明,证实; 使宣誓,使发誓

不及物动词证明; 证实

attest 相关例句


1. I can attest to the absolute truth of his story.

2. I have said nothing that I am not ready to attest.

3. The child's good health attests his mother's care.


1. The handwriting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature.

2. Her success attests to her ability.

attest 网络解释


1. 证明:证明,证实 联想记忆:考试(test)常常让人着急上火(testy),引人反感(detest),甚至抗议(protest),但是,迄今为止还没有找到比考试更好de办法来进行公平de竞争(contest),从而公平地证明(attest)你我他de实力.

2. 证实:attend 出席,到,注意 | attest 证实 | attune 使合调,使一致

3. 证明,证实,表明:12. stereotype 固定不变的,陈规旧习的 | 13. attest 证明,证实,表明 | 14. chauvinist 沙文主义者,男子至上主义这

4. 证明, 成绩:Atert 正确记号(比赛结束後记分员检查记分卡证明) | Attest 证明, 成绩 | Average golfer 一般水平选手

attest 词典解释

1. 说明,表示,证明(某事属实)
    To attest something or attest to something means to say, show, or prove that it is true.

    e.g. Police records attest to his long history of violence...
    e.g. I can personally attest that the cold and flu season is here...

attest 单语例句

1. Such checks cannot attest that each animal raised for food is safe for consumption.

2. Populism in judging provocative architecture may attest to the pulse of public sentiment, but rarely does it foretell the fate of icon status.

3. attest的翻译

3. Ambitions were high at the Earth Summit in Rio 20 years ago as I can attest.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. Powder skiing freaks already will attest to its good reputation, no wonder considering that the area gets up to 18 m of snowfall per year.

5. attest的意思

5. But all those electronic tools and toys gathering dust in the cupboards and drawers can attest to my credential as a gadget freak.

6. His rough hands and the deep furrows lining his face belie his youth, and attest to the toughness of such labor.

7. Though there are no official statistics on the growth of individual outbound travel, information from various travel services clearly attest to the trend.

8. Zhou's strong egalitarian sense has been frequently mentioned in obituaries, a quality I can personally attest to.

9. attest的反义词

9. As the regular crowds of expats attest, the places offer you the best chance to have a great brunch!

10. Food is apparently less of a concern as well, as anyone who has been to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower eatery can attest to.

attest 英英释义


1. authenticate, affirm to be true, genuine, or correct, as in an official capacity

    e.g. I attest this signature

2. establish or verify the usage of

    e.g. This word is not attested until 1993

3. attest

3. provide evidence for
    stand as proof of
    show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes

    e.g. His high fever attested to his illness
           The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication
           This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness

    Synonym: certify manifest demonstrate evidence

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. give testimony in a court of law

    Synonym: testify take the stand bear witness