
attribution [ˌætrɪ'bju:ʃn]  [ˌætrəˈbjuʃən] 

attribution 基本解释


名词归因; 归属; 属性; 归属物

attribution 网络解释

1. 属性:怎样能使商品属性(attribution)选项的金额不显示,如图:怎么修改才能去掉金额,但是,客户下单的时候,这个选项的金额还存在,谢谢,大虾

2. 归因:现在动漫已经不单单只是动画加漫画而已了,更发展到了周边及其相关的一切,动漫[页数]: 19 [字数]:13790 [目录]: 1 前言 2 研究方法与程序 3研究结果与分析 4 讨论 5 小结 参考文献 [正文]: 1 前言 归因(Attribution)起初是社会心理学中的一个概念,

3. 归属:3 一个必须注意的问题是:税务归属(Attribution)问题. 也就是说,在供款当年以及未来的两年内,如果配偶取出RRSP供款,则取出来的款项视为供款人的当年收入上税. 即在供款三年内取款,将被视为供款人的收益来征税. 三年以后,

attribution 单语例句


1. " Obviously the attribution was false, " the Vatican newspaper said in its Thursday's editions.

2. The Facebook case is just one of many where forensic linguists studying authorship attribution have become key expert witnesses in litigation proceedings.

3. Besides the headlines that went too far, many lead paragraphs dropped any attribution for news that the miners were safe.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. It is unlikely that a court would determine that Chen's right of attribution had been infringed upon.

5. Ban said the United Nations appreciate China's positive and constructive attribution as a permanent member of the Security Council in the international affairs.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. There should be no abusive linkage between contributions and attribution of the permanent seats.

7. attribution

7. In the theoretical circle of China, great controversies exist as to the system of infringement liability attribution.

8. However, such attribution is not the real reason according to several university presidents.

attribution 英英释义


1. assigning to a cause or source

    e.g. the attribution of lighting to an expression of God's wrath
           he questioned the attribution of the painting to Picasso

    Synonym: ascription

2. attribution是什么意思

2. assigning some quality or character to a person or thing

    e.g. the attribution of language to birds
           the ascription to me of honors I had not earned

    Synonym: ascription