
augment [ɔ:gˈment]  [ɔɡˈmɛnt] 







augment 基本解释

及物动词增强,加强; 增加,增添; (使)扩张,扩大


augment 相关例句


1. The impact of the report was augmented by its timing.


1. Fatigue augments as the day wears on.

augment 网络解释

1. 扩大:这种最佳实践利用在本文的 下载 部分提供的 Oracle Emitter 工具转换事件数据,甚至在需要的时候扩大(augment)事件数据,然后再将数据继续前递以供使用.

2. 扩充:壹、前言 电脑在特教科技之应用 ,系冀望电脑能扩充(augment)身心障碍者之残存能力,略过(bypass)其能力上的弱点,并补强(compensate)其能力不足或有待提升之处(Lewis, 1993).

3. 增大:augment of resistance 阻力增加 | augment 增大 | augment 增加

augment 词典解释

1. 增加;增大;加强;提高
    To augment something means to make it larger, stronger, or more effective by adding something to it.

    e.g. While searching for a way to augment the family income, she began making dolls.

The augmentation of the army began along traditional lines.
augment 单语例句

1. Heritage conservation can also boost the ancillary benefits of the relics by developing a surrounding, nostalgic cultural district to augment the city's leisure space.

2. The administration's plan to augment America's permanent presence in Australia cannot be seen as anything but threatening.

3. augment在线翻译

3. They augment joys at moments of celebration, as we saw at the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games in Beijing.

4. If the aim is to augment revenues, a Tobin tax is the wrong tool.

5. Since most holding centres were only partly financed from State funds, some used this as an excuse to charge those detained to augment their insufficient funding.

6. If a leader can help every country realise and augment the satisfaction of those needs, she is then a world leader in those needs.

7. It now sells virtual extras ranging from digital wallpaper to picture frames to augment all its base services.

8. augment的翻译

8. An increase in Libyan oil output would augment global supplies and could eventually help to moderate prices for refined products such as gasoline.

9. Manufacturing projects also inevitably cause pollution, so planners turned their sights to the service industry to augment traditionally prosperous agriculture.

10. It will also evaluate the government's preparedness to cope with possible deterioration of the situation and direct measures to be taken to augment any inadequacy.

augment 英英释义



1. enlarge or increase

    e.g. The recent speech of the president augmented tensions in the Near East

2. augment的反义词

2. grow or intensify

    e.g. The pressure augmented