
authorisation [ˌɔ:θərɑɪ'zeɪʃən]  [ˌɔ:θərɑɪ'zeɪʃən] 

authorisation 基本解释
authorisation 网络解释

1. 授权:欧盟化学品管理新法规包括化学品的注册(Registration)、评估(Evaluation)、授权(Authorisation)和限制(Restriction)4部分. 对REACH法规的主要内容进行了解读. 就REACH法规将会对我国企业产生的影响以及我国企业应如何应对等问题进行了论述.

2. 授权/委任/认可:authorial /著者的/作家的/ | authorisation /授权/委任/认可/ | authorise /授权/委任/认可/

3. (工作授权):working visa ( 工作签证) 和 working | authorisation (工作授权) | business permit (创业许可)

authorisation 单语例句

1. More than 500 operations have been conducted across the country since a hospital in southern Guangdong province received authorisation to perform the surgery in 2000.

authorisation 英英释义


1. the act of conferring legality or sanction or formal warrant

    Synonym: authorization empowerment

2. official permission or approval

    e.g. authority for the program was renewed several times

    Synonym: authority authorization sanction

3. authorisation的翻译

3. the power or right to give orders or make decisions

    e.g. he has the authority to issue warrants
           deputies are given authorization to make arrests
           a place of potency in the state

    Synonym: authority authorization potency dominance say-so

4. a document giving an official instruction or command

    Synonym: mandate authorization