1. 授权:terms (用复数)价格 | authorise 授权 | costing 成本核算
2. 认可, 授权:digitise 数字化 | authorise 认可, 授权 | retina 视网膜
3. 授权/委任/认可:authorisation /授权/委任/认可/ | authorise /授权/委任/认可/ | authorised /授权的/
1. But Dick said there would be no more collections until parliament voted to authorise a rewrite of the constitution.
2. Currently, the regulators only authorise productions twice a year - in January and July.
3. Security Council resolution on Friday that would authorise Taylor's transfer to the Netherlands, and is expected to be adopted early next week.
1. grant authorization or clearance for
e.g. Clear the manuscript for publication
The rock star never authorized this slanderous biography
2. give or delegate power or authority to
e.g. She authorized her assistant to sign the papers