名词独裁统治者; 独断专行的人
1. 独裁者,专制君主,独断独行的人:authoritarianism权力主义,独裁主义 | autocrat独裁者,专制君主,独断独行的人 | bureaucratist官僚主义者
2. 独裁者,专制君主:savage 野蛮的,蛮横的 | autocrat 独裁者,专制君主 | adulation 谄媚,奉承
3. 独断独行的人;独揽大权:authorized capital 额定资本(公司获准发行 | autocrat 独断独行的人;独揽大权 | autocratic leadership专制的领导
1. 独裁者
An autocrat is a person in authority who has complete power.
1. Hammam's critics accuse him of being an autocrat who has usurped the powers of AFC's executive committee and its members.