
autogeny [ɔ:təʊd'ʒenɪ]  [ɔ:toʊd'ʒenɪ] 

autogeny 基本解释


autogeny 网络解释


1. 自生:autogenous 自生的 | autogeny 自生 | autogiro 旋翼飞机

2. 自然发生:autogenous variation 可遗传的变异 | autogeny 自然发生 | autograft 自体组织移植片

3. 自然发生 自然發生:autogenic 自生的 自生的; 自發的 Y | autogeny 自然发生 自然發生 Y | autolysis 自溶(现象) 自體分解; 自溶 Y

4. 自生,单性生殖:autogenousmedium || 自生介质auto- | autogeny || 自生, 单性生殖 | autogeosyncline || 平原地槽

autogeny 双语例句

1. Calculating method of Autogeny deformation and creep are discussed. Based on these, timely-simulation theory of dam body's temperature field stress field and pre-process back-process method are mainly studied.

2. Generally, the share of the autogeny target neutron in d-T neutron source is less than one percent.

3. Reservoirs with autogeny and self - accumulation, and reservoirs with down generation and up accumulation are superimposed and linked to form a certain scale of oil-gas enriched area.

4. The following phenomena autogeny, stabilized infection, sequential vertical transmission, venereal transmission, and long period of survival of viruses in dried mosquito eggs might increase the epidemiological significance of vertical transmission.


5. The system construction of modem national country is the union of many facts including design, transplant, mix, autogeny, creation and so on.

6. At the same time, the molten steel will be introduce into layer of ceramics, which can make the TiC spread around molten steel surface equably, so the autogeny composite layer of casting can be obtained.


7. According to this, the temperature field stress field and autogeny body-expand-deformation field of YangChun arch dam during construction arid operation period are analyzed, thus many significant conclusions are got for reference.

8. On the basis of autogeny illite K-Ar isotope dating of 5 oil-sand specimens in S oil layer and matching with expulsion hudrocarbon of hydrocarbon source rock, it can be concluded that oil-gas injection of S oil layer has 2 stages, one of which is the end of K1n sedimentation, the other is form the end of K2m sedimentation to the early of Eogene period.
    通过对萨尔图油层5 块油砂样品进行伊利石K-Ar 同位素年龄测定,并与烃源岩排烃期进行了匹配,得出萨尔图油层油气注入主要有两个时期,第一次是嫩江组沉积末期,第二次是明水组沉积末期-老第三纪初期。

autogeny 英英释义



1. a hypothetical organic phenomenon by which living organisms are created from nonliving matter

    Synonym: abiogenesis autogenesis spontaneous generation