
aware [əˈweə(r)]  [əˈwer] 

aware 基本解释


形容词意识到的; 知道的; 觉察到的

aware 同义词

形容词cognizant realizing conscious knowing

aware 反义词


形容词ignorant unaware

aware 相关例句


1. I was not aware of the fire.

2. She was not aware of having done wrong.

3. I am well aware that this is a tough job.

4. He is an artistically aware young man.

aware 网络解释

1. 意识:其次,尽管从语义学和立法授权的愿望上讲,对某种因素考虑了(consideration,takeintoaccount),自然应该是对裁量者的心理产生了一定的影响,而不应该仅仅是意识(aware)或者知道某种因素的存在.

2. 意识到:第一,假如法院对权重问题一点不干预的话,行政机关对相关因素的考虑,很可能会变成只是意识到(aware)某种相关因素的存在,或者说,只是形式上考虑,但却根本没有给予任何的权重,没有给予实质性考虑.

3. 知道:对自己生气,或对别人生气等情绪较难以表达. 但也有是正向的感觉,例如对别人的喜欢、依恋等最不知道如何表达. 重要的是,我们要先知道(aware)自己那些情绪或感觉最难以表达,然后『练习』去表达,以后就可以热能生巧了.

aware 词典解释

1. 知道的;明白的
    If you are aware of something, you know about it.

    e.g. Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health...
    e.g. He should have been aware of what his junior officers were doing...

The 1980s brought an awareness of green issues...
There has been an increasing awareness that many people are affected by crime.

2. 注意到的;察觉到的;意识到的
    If you are aware of something, you realize that it is present or is happening because you hear it, see it, smell it, or feel it.

    e.g. She was acutely aware of the noise of the city...
    e.g. Jane was suddenly aware that she was digging her nails into her thigh.

3. 警觉的;警惕的
    Someone who is aware notices what is happening around them or happening in the place where they live.

    e.g. They are politically very aware.

He introduced radio to the school to increase the children's awareness.
aware 单语例句

1. An increasing number of Chinese companies have been aware of the value of enterprise data warehouses that can greatly improve their business efficiency.

2. Before Thursday night's exhibition game against Golden State in Honolulu, some members of the Lakers said they weren't aware of Buss'comments.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Although it didn't specify China by name, the Pentagon was aware of that country's military potential.

4. Cabinet Minister Haim Ramon said the rabbis are aware that the Palestinians will likely knock down the buildings later on.

5. aware

5. Xi called on Party members to be fully aware of the basic reality is that China is still in the primary stage of socialism.

6. An interior ministry official said security forces were aware of the Partisans group, which has been active in the area south of Baghdad for months.

7. Scientists are painfully aware that drugs that can make mice thin do nothing of the sort in humans.

8. And are there signs pointing to potential fraud that canny investors should be aware of?

9. The latest capital infusion shows the authorities are well aware of the urgency of the matter.

10. aware的意思

10. He loves peppering his shows with songs from his back catalogue because he is aware his fans will want to hear his biggest hits.

aware 英英释义


1. bearing in mind
    attentive to

    e.g. ever mindful of her health
           mindful of his responsibilities
           mindful of these criticisms, I shall attempt to justify my action

    Synonym: mindful