
awestruck [ˈɔ:strʌk]  [ˈɔːstrʌk] 

awestruck 基本解释



awestruck 网络解释


1. 敬畏的:由表1可以看出,西方主流媒体对奥运开幕式报道的核心主题主要集中在两个层面:一是对开幕式本身的肯定,认为北京开幕式壮观精彩的比例达到了91.7%,而且多用了壮观的(spe ctacular)、令人目炫的(daz zl ing)、令人敬畏的(awestruck)等极少用于形容中国的溢美之词;

2. 充满敬畏的:Astronomical 天体的;天文 | Awestruck充满敬畏的 | Bearing 关系,对...影响

3. 敬畏的, 肃然起敬的:awestricken || 充满敬畏的 | awestruck || 敬畏的, 肃然起敬的 | aweto || 冬虫夏草

4. 震驚的; 驚奇不已的:paralleled 平行的; 並列的 | awestruck 震驚的; 驚奇不已的 | poignancy 尖銳; 沉痛

awestruck 词典解释

1. 敬畏的;肃然起敬的
    If someone is awestruck, they are very impressed and amazed by something.

    e.g. I stood and gazed at him, awestruck that anyone could be so beautiful.

awestruck 单语例句

1. A pimply apprentice stands by his side in a constant state of awestruck admiration.

2. They soon had onlookers awestruck with a synchronized dancing show that hinted at a brave new world of artificial intelligence.

3. Movie audiences the world over were awestruck by the technology used in the movie Avatar.

4. Spectator John Fong was completely awestruck after witnessing the PLA's first open military review in the territory at Shek Kong barracks yesterday.

5. Within minutes, three bidders have the awestruck spectators believing the tea is worth thousands of yuan.

awestruck 英英释义



1. having or showing a feeling of mixed reverence and respect and wonder and dread

    e.g. stood in awed silence before the shrine
           in grim despair and awestruck wonder

    Synonym: awed awestricken