back away

back away [bæk əˈwei]  [bæk əˈwe] 

back away 基本解释

为了让出地方而后退,由于害怕而后退; 不愿考虑

back away 网络解释

back away的反义词

1. 逐渐后退:back and forth (前后)来回地,往返 | back away 逐渐后退 | back down off 放弃,让步,退却

2. 一:三十四、ask to | 一、back away | 二、back down

3. 退后:...begs us to take the course of nonviolence.|才要求我们非暴力的行动 | Back away!|退后... | But if we riot...|如果我们暴动

4. 退回,撤出:Back 背部,衬垫,靠板 | Back away 退回,撤出 | Back cover 后盖

back away 词典解释

1. 放弃;退出
    If you back away from a commitment that you made or something that you were involved with in the past, you try to show that you are no longer committed to it or involved with it.

    e.g. The company backed away from plans to cut their pay by 15%...
    e.g. He's backing away from the policies and style of his predecessor...

2. back away什么意思

2. (常因害怕等而)后退,退缩
    If you back away, you walk backwards away from someone or something, often because you are frightened of them.

    e.g. James got to his feet and started to come over, but the girls hastily backed away.

back away 单语例句


1. It's not easy for dads to transition back into an already established routine that mom and kids carry on with while he is away.

2. Once when Li happened to drop a coin on the ground, the hen picked it up right away and gave it back to her owner.

3. But looked back a generation from now, that advantage could fade away as the social situation will have changed.

4. If it happens to flutter down far away from the ceiling, that means its next movement is likely to be steeply back up.

5. But Xue believes that giving up studies to go back home would not make the feeling of sadness go away.

6. back away的解释

6. Although they may have taken primary and middle education away from their hometowns, they still have to go back to take the gaokao.

7. Put away your needle and thread in case headless ghosts steal them to sew their removed heads back on their bodies.

8. back away的意思

8. Villa had the chance to move back into fourth spot against a Spurs side still looking for points to stay away from relegation trouble.

9. Yet investors will pick away at the real issues in the next few weeks until we are back where we started.

10. back away

10. The medical school building seemed as far away as when I first started to take the shortcut back.

back away 英英释义


1. make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity

    e.g. We'll have to crawfish out from meeting with him
           He backed out of his earlier promise
           The aggressive investment company pulled in its horns

    Synonym: retreat pull back back out crawfish crawfish out pull in one's horns withdraw