
backstop ['bækstɒp]  ['bækˌstɒp] 

backstop 基本解释


名词增援; 守场员; 外场手; 守场员(接手)的位置

backstop 网络解释

1. 挡球网:本垒到挡球网(BACKSTOP),及垒线至最近的围墙、看台或其他在界外区的阻碍设施距离应在60呎(18.288公尺)以上. 首先当本垒位置定位后,自此点以钢尺量127呎3 3/8吋(38.795公尺)距离,决定二垒的位置;再以本垒为基点朝一垒量90呎,

2. 托架:backstay 背撑 | backstop 托架 | backstroke 回程

3. 后退定程挡块:backrest 座椅靠背 | backstop 后退定程挡块 | backup roll 支承辊

4. 挡网:backstitch 倒缝 | backstop 挡网 | backstretch 非终点直道

backstop 单语例句

1. There was also a wild pitch thrown so hard it ricocheted off the backstop right back to Napoli.

2. Paulson calls the authority a " backstop " which he has no intention of using.

3. Now that the crisis has reached the " core " of the eurozone, the resources needed to backstop weaker sovereigns exceed the limited fiscal capacity of stronger ones.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. Treasury is providing this backstop so that markets can have confidence that we will maintain sufficient capital in the financial system.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The measures provide a federal backstop for the two companies, letting them borrow at a cheaper rate than private corporations.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. China welcomes a fiscal agreement to be signed in March that will build up a massive fund to backstop European debt.

7. To state the problem more generally, the eurozone requires a liquidity backstop for its fiscal authority.

8. backstop是什么意思

8. The expectation of a backstop that would defuse Europe's debt crisis sent European stocks higher Wednesday.

backstop 英英释义


1. a precaution in case of an emergency

    e.g. he acted as a backstop in case anything went wrong

2. backstop的反义词

2. (baseball) a fence or screen (as behind home plate) to prevent the ball from traveling out of the playing field

3. (baseball) the person who plays the position of catcher

    Synonym: catcher


1. act as a backstop