
badge [bædʒ]  [bædʒ] 



badge 基本解释

名词徽章,像章,奖章; 象征,标记; [美国俚语]警察

及物动词以…为标志; 使佩带像章(或徽章、标记); 给予…标记(或徽号); 授予…奖章(或徽章)

abbr.[空]<美>(=Base Air Defense Ground Environment)基地防空地面警备系统

badge 相关例句


1. We wear the school badge on our coats.

2. I seldom wear the school badge.

3. Wisdom is the badge of maturity.

4. The olive leaf is a badge of peace.

badge 网络解释


1. 徽章:奶酪乐队最后一个专辑<<再见>>(Goodbye)中的歌曲<<徽章>>(Badge) 他在其中的弹奏是摇滚乐史上最为辉煌精彩的独奏表演之一. 克莱普顿有一段时间参与了好几个临时工作. 他和以前的朋友乔治?哈里森一起录制唱片.

2. 勋章:因为提升能力所需的金钱与主角等级相关,越到后期加体力越贵,几近天文数字;强壮(Strength)和体力一样,可在医师处花钱加点,但对于游侠和法师,不建议多加强壮,只要能装备强力武器9)游戏中获得勋章(badge)可提升Energy上限,

3. 像章:感觉宽带山光有宽带衫,像章(BADGE)还是不够di,偶还想要手环(单身手环的那种材料做的,塑料的带着不爽),卡通人物贴纸啦之类的,还有TF能想到其他产品伐,偶们先集合一下意见,等有条件了一样样做出来.

4. 标志:<<杀戮地带2>>在多人联机对战模式中预定收录7种不同的兵种,并以标志(badge)加以区分,包括最基本的步枪兵,以及具备各种不同主要与次要标志能力的工兵、医护兵、侦察兵、突击兵、战术兵与破坏兵等:

badge 词典解释

1. 徽章,证章(美国英语通常用button指金属小圆徽章)
    A badge is a piece of metal or cloth which you wear to show that you belong to an organization or support a cause. American English usually uses button to refer to a small round metal badge.

2. 标志;标记;象征
    Any feature which is regarded as a sign of a particular quality can be referred to as a badge .

    e.g. Being a Communist was a badge of honour for thousands of trade union activists.

badge 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. He also wore an ID badge and carried a large calculator to complete the getup.

2. They all wear a red square nameplate and a badge of their Democratic People's Republic of Korea leader.

3. The oldest badge is from the 1918 Far Eastern Championship Games, considered as the precursor to the Asian Games.

4. badge的反义词

4. The badge fully manifests the tenderness, vigor and kindness of the Dai people.

5. badge的近义词

5. Student delegates went on stage and vowed to contribute to water conservation by symbolically attaching a badge on to their hometowns on a big map.

6. They should never be used as a badge for cadging economic benefits.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. China's Olympic badminton champion Lin Dan always wears a Mao Zedong badge on his chest.

8. badge在线翻译

8. Those not classified include not just smaller local hotels but some of the international chains which regard their brands as a sufficient badge of quality.

9. I don't know whether this will change in the future as outdoor aficionados pioneer a new lifestyle with suntan as a badge of honor.

10. But going green has long ceased as a trend waiting to fizzle out or a badge for individuals and groups to garner goodwill.

badge 英英释义



1. any feature that is regarded as a sign of status (a particular power or quality or rank)

    e.g. wearing a tie was regarded as a badge of respectability

2. badge

2. an emblem (a small piece of plastic or cloth or metal) that signifies your status (rank or membership or affiliation etc.)

    e.g. they checked everyone's badge before letting them in


1. badge的近义词

1. put a badge on

    e.g. The workers here must be badged