
baffled ['bæfld]  ['bæfld] 






baffled 基本解释
带有障板的,阻挡的;使困难,使为难( baffle的过去式和过去分词 );
baffled 网络解释

1. 带有障板的, 阻挡的:biostrain 生物品系 | baffled 带有障板的, 阻挡的-fling | operating charges 运营费

2. 带有挡板的:bafflecut 折流板弓形缺口 | baffled 带有挡板的 | baffledexchanger 折流热交换器

3. 很困惑,无奈:Treaty条约 | baffled很困惑,无奈 | pensioner领取退休,养老金或抚恤金的人

4. 阻挡的:obscure 暗的、朦胧的 | baffled 阻挡的 | provoked 激怒、煽动

baffled 单语例句

1. The government is also unprepared to handle the volume of calls from baffled television viewers once the switch to digital occurs.

2. Chinese spectators are still baffled by the notion of yacht and dinghy racing, which is hardly surprising given the novelty of the sport in their country.

3. baffled的翻译

3. Doctors have been left baffled by her condition which causes dizziness and can trigger a seizure.

4. Both were baffled until my father figured out he was talking about a crossing.

5. Some airlines offered preferential deals to Mexican passengers scrambling to find alternatives, but many were baffled by how to get home.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. But even investigators familiar with Walker's record are baffled by what they say was her latest hoax.

7. baffled在线翻译

7. Tevez looked baffled by the decision, holding his hands out inquisitively and shaking his head in disappointment.

8. Most of Pritchett's work portrays the " quintessential " married English couple who are " powerless in the face of modern life or baffled by it ".

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. The Chinese people are a friendly mob and are quick to assist baffled newcomers in this foreign land on the far side of the world.

10. It's the most comprehensive package ever provided to Olympic shooting crowds, who might otherwise sit there baffled as to what's going on in the technical sport.

baffled 英英释义


1. people who are frustrated and perplexed

    e.g. the children's faces clearly expressed the frustration of the baffled


1. perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements
    filled with bewilderment

    e.g. obviously bemused by his questions
           bewildered and confused
           a cloudy and confounded philosopher
           just a mixed-up kid
           she felt lost on the first day of school

    Synonym: befuddled bemused bewildered confounded confused lost mazed mixed-up at sea