
bargains ['ba:gɪnz]  ['ba:gɪnz] 








bargains 基本解释
特价商品;协议,交易( bargain的名词复数 );讨价还价,商谈( bargain的第三人称单数 );提出条件,要求得到;
bargains 单语例句

1. Provided you are interested in solid neighborhoods and don't care about finding bargains or timing the market.

2. Some expats are cashing in on Beijing's property boom and believe there are bargains to be had despite price rises.

3. But bargains in China's premier metropolis are hard to come by.

4. The consultancy advised investors to avoid chasing chips with hefty gains of late and look for bargains among companies with solid growth fundamentals.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. Come along for a family day and brunch afternoon to browse through market wares and strike bargains.

6. Lun said the Hang Seng's huge drop on Monday was bringing buyers back to seek bargains and scoop up blue chips that had tumbled.

7. The Chinese online market is heavily fragmented, with consumers leapfrogging from various sites to grab elusive bargains.

8. Offer exclusive products and good bargains, says one of the United Kingdom's most respected Internet entrepreneurs.

9. Those with a keen eye for bargains have already noticed the word " outlet " on advertisements throughout town.

10. Lehman Brothers reckons the second quarter is the time to go shopping for bargains in Hong Kong.