
baritone [ˈbærɪtəʊn]  [ˈbærɪtoʊn] 



baritone 基本解释


名词男中音,男中音歌手; 上低音部; 上低音乐器

baritone 网络解释

1. 男中音:在每个变奏中,soprano),女低音(Alto),男高音(Tenor),男中音(Baritone)和男低音(Bass). 10.日本广播(NHK)交响乐团(日本)日本广播协会(NHK)交响乐团,是全日本最杰出的乐团,四管编制,全团人员共128名,每年平均演出140场左右(其中定期音乐会60场),

2. 上低音号:长号的构造虽然修长,但并不像法国号(Horn)或上低音号(Baritone)那样管子绕了那麼多圈,长号的声音可说是没绕几圈就直接送出喇叭口,这种构造,使得长号能表现出一种不同於其他铜管乐器的较为粗犷直接、雄厚的音色,

3. 低音:萨克斯风有很多不同的种类(音域), 常见的为 高音(soprano), 中音(alto), 次中音(tenor), 上低音(baritone) 萨克斯风, 指法和谱号都是相通的, 而音域和调性不同而比较重要的是吹嘴跟簧片, 初学时为了训练正确的口型(embouture)和容易发声,

4. 上低音, 男中音:tenor 次中音 | baritone 上低音, 男中音 | bass 低音

baritone 词典解释

1. 男中音歌手;男中音歌唱家
    In music, a baritone is a man with a fairly deep singing voice that is lower than that of a tenor but higher than that of a bass.

    e.g. ...the young American baritone Monte Pederson.

2. 低沉悦耳的声音
    If a man has a baritone speaking voice, his voice is low and pleasant to listen to.

    e.g. ...a baritone voice...
    e.g. He speaks in a melodious baritone.

baritone 单语例句

1. " We are four captains in the same boat, " says Spanish baritone Carlos Marin.

2. baritone的反义词

2. The hard work has paid off and Wang is now a good baritone, able to sing more than 100 classic songs in fluent Russian.

3. The last song " Farewell " - the really big test for the baritone - is the centrepiece of the work.

4. It was a jingly, jangly little noise with a sweet little baritone floating over the top of it.

5. Given his size and shape, a baritone or a bass will probably look more suitable than a tenor.

6. His baritone projects well into the theatre, and he succeeded in making a small character come alive.

7. Danger is the baritone lead singer, often found flirting between sets.

8. baritone

8. Mok and Liao are leading tenor and baritone in China's opera stage.

baritone 英英释义


1. the second lowest brass wind instrument

    Synonym: baritone horn

2. baritone是什么意思

2. the second lowest adult male singing voice

    Synonym: baritone voice

3. baritone在线翻译

3. a male singer

    Synonym: barytone


1. baritone

1. lower in range than tenor and higher than bass

    e.g. a baritone voice
           baritone oboe