
baronial [bəˈrəʊniəl]  [bəˈroʊniəl] 

baronial 基本解释


形容词男爵的; (建筑物或房间)富丽堂皇的; 宏伟豪华的; 古色古香的

baronial 网络解释

1. 男爵的:男爵辈baronage | 男爵的baronial | 男爵的领地barony

2. 宏大的:baronial 适于男爵的 | baronial 宏大的 | barony 男爵的领地

3. 适于男爵的:baronetagebaronetcy 从男爵爵位 | baronial 适于男爵的 | baronial 宏大的

4. 男爵的/适于男爵的/宏大的:baronetcy /从男爵爵位/ | baronial /男爵的/适于男爵的/宏大的/ | barony /男爵的领地/财阀/郡/

baronial 词典解释

1. (指房屋)具有上流社会气派的,豪华老派的
    If you describe a house or room as baronial, you mean that it is large, impressive, and old-fashioned in appearance, and looks as if it belongs to someone from the upper classes.

    e.g. ...baronial manor houses...
    e.g. The rooms have a baronial feel, with oak paneling and leather sofas.

2. 男爵的;与男爵有关的
    Baronial means relating to a baron or barons.

    e.g. ...the baronial feuding of the Middle Ages.

baronial 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. impressive in appearance

    e.g. a baronial mansion
           an imposing residence
           a noble tree
           severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses
           stately columns

    Synonym: imposing noble stately