
bars [bɑ:z]  [bɑ:z] 





bars 基本解释
条;马上的齿龈;酒吧间( bar的名词复数 );售酒的柜台;闩vi.;
bars 网络解释

1. 酒吧:下面介绍一下学生常去打工的地方: 酒吧(BARS) 英国嗜酒如命, 也因此繁荣了酒吧业. 在酒吧工作无疑成为学生的首选, 尤其是那些喜欢喝上两杯的学生. 可供选择的酒吧很多, 其中有很大比例的酒吧有着频繁的人事变动, 所以也经常需要人手.

2. 信号:数字分量视频输出(DIGITAL YR-Y B-YOUT)等当然,摄像机不同的视频输出要与录像机与监视器相应的视频输渗透相互连接才能有效普通摄像机常用模拟复合视频输出,专业级与广播级摄像机一般还有彩条信号(BARS)输出,以供其他电视

3. 棒:17世纪时 英国开设第一家巧克力屋 至1715年时 已开设了2000 家巧克力屋 人们在那儿约会、闲话家常 留下小费给侍应生的习惯也源自于此;1876年 瑞士人是第一个将巧克力、糖、牛奶混合制造成液状饮品的先驱 自此巧克力棒(bars)应运而生.

4. 行为锚定法:根据部门类别划分,将定量考核与主观评价的结果分别乘以各自权重,汇总得出各部门综合考评得分. 主观评价采用目标设定法(GS)和行为锚定法(BARS)相结合的考评办法,通过将主观评价客观化,科学地评价部门及其管理人员的工作业绩.

5. bars:behaviorally anchored rating scales; 行为定位评分法

6. bars:behavior anchor rating scales; 行为锚定评分法

7. bars:behaviorally anchored rating scale; 行为锚定等级评定法

bars 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. The businesswoman disappeared after her chain of karaoke bars went bankrupt in June 2011, the police said.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Which would you rather have in your neighborhood - a grove of large trees, or a busy street lined with dozens of bars?

3. The 1701 Act of Settlement bars monarchs or their heirs from becoming or marrying Catholics.

4. A key provision bars a government building settlements on land acquired by force.

5. bars

5. " Don't think by eating five or six bars a day you're doing yourself any good, " he said.


6. He said he already plans to call on at least three friends to watch some of the " important " matches in bars.

7. bars的近义词

7. Zebedee said the crew on board dropped a plastic container of chocolate bars and candy to the stranded boy.

8. Experts said the steel bars used to support the canopy might have rusted.

9. The nighttime starting times of these matches offer bars the chance to really rake in the cash.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. I saw many empty seats when I toured around bars in Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway Bay on Saturday night.

bars 英英释义


1. gymnastic apparatus consisting of two parallel wooden rods supported on uprights

    Synonym: parallel bars