
bartender [ˈbɑ:tendə(r)]  [ˈbɑ:rtendə(r)] 


bartender 基本解释



bartender 网络解释

1. 调酒师:美版无间道放映中 <<调酒师>>(Bartender) 介绍超多鸡尾酒,小资<<死亡笔记>>(DEATH NOTE) 无敌强作,

2. 酒保:走入女子酒吧(Ladies Club),坐下后和一名女修理工海尔佳(Helga)交谈后,偷了她的修理清单(Repair List),然后向酒保(Bartender)要瓶伏特加(Vodka)后离开(答:2、3、2).

3. 调酒员:应尽量避免松滑或碰撞掉落地面,造成接缝产生空隙而导致酒水41.(O) 酒吧台上,应设有一处重要的地方饮料出入口(Server Pick-up Area)以利服务人员工作.44.(O) 调酒员(Bartender)随时把清洁的调酒工具摆在鸡尾酒工作台上方,

4. 酒吧招待:尝试开门的时候酒吧招待(bartender)过来阻止了你. Police Station:和Humphries谈论Tumblety,得知气体的泄露是由于警察为了寻找被Squibby赶走的Bluto. Squibby就是那个被人群追赶的人,补鞋匠(cobbler)之前也提到过他.

bartender 词典解释

1. 酒吧间招待;酒吧侍者
    A bartender is a person who serves drinks behind a bar.

in BRIT, use 英国英语通常用 barman, barmaid
bartender 单语例句

1. Earlier in his life, he was employed as a bartender and wine taster.

2. Once Pope explained to the bartender that bad service was to blame, he took their money and called the authorities.

3. He was first employed as a bartender at Singles and then branched out to start his own bar in 1999.

4. Pittsburgh bartender Angelo Cammarata served his first beer a few minutes after Prohibition was lifted in 1933.

5. bartender的近义词

5. Cook worked as a bartender while trying to make it in the business before winning " American Idol " in May 2008.

6. The couple worked at the Cheesecake Factory at North Star Mall, where he was a bartender and she was a waitress.

7. So, can a good bartender judge someone's personality by what they order?

8. The Standings bartender called Playwrights to ask which employees had been in his bar.

9. " The men are terrible and the women are good, " the bartender said.

bartender 英英释义



1. an employee who mixes and serves alcoholic drinks at a bar

    Synonym: barman barkeep barkeeper mixologist