base line

base line [beis lain]  [bes laɪn] 

base line 基本解释

base line

名词基线; 底线; <美>(棒球)垒线; (网球)端线

base line 网络解释

base line是什么意思

1. 基线:初始值: normal 继承性: 继承 适用于: 所有元素 媒体: 视觉 计算值: 长度和百分比值为绝对值;其他同指定值 行高指的是文本行的基线间的距离. 而基线(Base line),指的是一行字横排时下沿的基础线,基线并不是汉字的下端沿,而是英文字母x的下 端沿

2. 底线:装甲甲板一般位于底线(base line)上6.48米,也就是机舱上方7.1米,之后两边边缘倾斜延伸到水线下1.1米处. 水平部分装甲由两层19毫米厚装甲组成,边缘则有双层的38毫米厚装甲. 这些金属板则是由国内的卡内基(Carnegie)工厂生长的镍钢装甲.

3. 基准线:P225,从理论上来讲,设计规范书正稿的通过意味着你正在开发的产品功能和特性在这一时刻就被冻结了,也叫功能设计的基准线(Base Line)被定下来. 之后是编码工作的开始,功能就不能再随便改动了,因为每一功能设计的改动都讲影响到很多其他的工作.

4. 基底线:会采取最符(六)创造性(Creaticity)理论境知识的反省,刚开始图画的样式因概念经常改变,所以象徵符号(symbol)一的,进而渐渐发现世界有一定的秩序,而有基底线(base line)的产生,产生客个案研究(case study)是指采用各种方法收集有效的完整资料,

base line 单语例句

1. The closest Tampa Bay got to a hit was Jason Bartlett's line drive to third base to lead off the game.

2. She sticks to her own style and base line, not drifting with popular trend.

3. The roof line stretches 140 meters, exactly doubling the length of the base line.

4. But it was ruled out by the referee because the ball had crossed the base line.

5. They operate an ongoing Uyghur medicine materials base in line with GAP standards and modern Uyghur drug research and development center.


6. Protestants threw fire bombs at a heavily fortified police base on the line between British Protestant and Irish Catholic turf in west Belfast.

7. This is an important route in the planned base network of Wuhan airlines, also a trunk line to directly serve the Shanghai World Expo 2010.

8. And his broad base of campaign contributors could help McCain's own bottom line.

9. Workers check cars on an assembly line at a Geely production base in Ningbo, Zhejiang province.