
basic [ˈbeɪsɪk]  [ˈbesɪk] 



basic 基本解释

形容词基本的; [化学]碱性的; [地质学]基性的; 首要的

名词基础,基本; 基本原则,基本原理,基本规律; 要素; 基础训练

basic 相关例句


1. These poor people lack the basic necessities of life.

2. The basic theme of these stories never varies.

basic 情景对话


B:You‘re asking too much for this part .

A:we have some cheaper ones .

B:What is the price difference ?

A:The basic model will cost about 10% less .

basic 网络解释

1. 基本(型):目前,国内外有些银行和管理软件提供商已经能够针对企业集团不同的资金管理模式,设计不同的解决方案,这些方案包括:基本型(Basic)、标准型(Standard)、专门型(Professional)、高性能型(High-performance)和超高性能型(Supper hig

2. 编程语言:记得刚开始学习编程语言(Basic)的时候就学习如何绘制逻辑图,铁道邮路逻辑图跟这种图形类似,像Basic逻辑图中的形状也就是长方形、菱形、圆形和平行四边形等几种,绘制邮路逻辑结构图中的图形同样具有一些规律性和重复性,

3. basic:beginners all symbolic instruction code; 编程语言

4. basic:beginner's all – purpose symbolic instruction code; 初学者通用符号指令码,Basic 语言(20世纪60年代由约翰·凯梅尼和托马斯·库尔茨开发的高级程序设计语言)

basic 词典解释

1. 根本的;首要的;主要的
    You use basic to describe things, activities, and principles that are very important or necessary, and on which others depend.

    e.g. One of the most basic requirements for any form of angling is a sharp hook.
    e.g. ...the basic skills of reading, writing and communicating.

2. 基本的;起码的
    Basic goods and services are very simple ones which every human being needs. You can also refer to people's basic needs for such goods and services.

    e.g. ...shortages of even the most basic foodstuffs...
    e.g. Hospitals lack even basic drugs for surgical operations.

3. 基础的;必要的
    If one thing is basic to another, it is absolutely necessary to it, and the second thing cannot exist, succeed, or be imagined without it.

    e.g. oily liquid, basic to the manufacture of a host of other chemical substances...
    e.g. There are certain ethical principles that are basic to all the great religions.

4. 根本的;最重要的
    You can use basic to emphasize that you are referring to what you consider to be the most important aspect of a situation, and that you are not concerned with less important details.

    e.g. There are three basic types of tea...
    e.g. The basic design changed little from that patented by Edison more than 100 years ago...

5. basic的反义词

5. 最简单的;最基本的;最朴实的
    You can use basic to describe something that is very simple in style and has only the most necessary features, without any luxuries.

    e.g. We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipment.
    e.g. ...the extremely basic hotel room.

6. (价格、工资等)基本的
    Basic is used to describe a price or someone's income when this does not include any additional amounts.

    e.g. increase of more than twenty per cent on the basic pay of a typical coalface worker...
    e.g. The basic retirement pension will go up by £7.95 a week...

7. (所得税率)最低标准的,基本的
    The basic rate of income tax is the lowest or most common rate, which applies to people who earn average incomes.

    e.g. All this is to be done without big rises in the basic level of taxation.
    e.g. ...a basic-rate taxpayer.

basic 单语例句

1. Basic services are letters and newspaper subscriptions, the postal system's core business in the past.

2. Li said China had been slow to participate in mergers and acquisitions, which he described as a basic business practice popular across the world.

3. basic

3. He called on everyone to act in strict accordance with the Basic Law no matter how different their views and positions may be.

4. The domestic rebalancing toward households buying more of basic Chinese production remains no easy task.

5. Second, we should act strictly according to the principles of the Basic Law.

6. Together with the Basic Act on Ocean Policy and other related documents, this forms Japan's marine legal system.

7. In a modern society, basic order should be maintained by the rule of law.

8. This is the first basic statute made by the PLA to regularize military surveying and mapping activities.

9. He was impressed by the way " Lee taught us basic skills in business presentation ".

10. basic

10. The Introduction of the Action Plan illustrates China's view of human rights by specifying three basic principles for formulating and implementing the Action Plan.

basic 英英释义



1. (usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant

    Synonym: staple


1. of or denoting or of the nature of or containing a base

2. serving as a base or starting point

    e.g. a basic course in Russian
           basic training for raw recruits
           a set of basic tools
           an introductory art course

    Synonym: introductory

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. pertaining to or constituting a base or basis

    e.g. a basic fact
           the basic ingredients
           basic changes in public opinion occur because of changes in priorities

4. reduced to the simplest and most significant form possible without loss of generality

    e.g. a basic story line
           a canonical syllable pattern

    Synonym: canonic canonical