
bask [bɑ:sk]  [bæsk] 





bask 基本解释


不及物动词晒太阳,取暖; 享受乐趣,得到满足

bask 相关例句



1. They basked themselves on the sunny beach.


1. Turtles like to bask in the sun.

bask 网络解释


1. 晒太阳(享受温暖), 感到温暖, 愉快或舒适:radial thermal gradient 径向温度梯度 | bask 晒太阳(享受温暖), 感到温暖, 愉快或舒适 | ground echo pattern 地面回波图形

2. 晒太阳:basitarsus 基腹节 | bask 晒太阳 | basket 箩

3. 取暖;曝日;沐浴于:badger#困扰 | bask#取暖;曝日;沐浴于 | baste#殴打;公开责骂

4. 晒:正中 Centre | 晒 Bask | 空间 Space

bask 词典解释


1. (舒适地)晒太阳(取暖)
    If you bask in the sunshine, you lie somewhere sunny and enjoy the heat.

    e.g. All through the hot, still days of their holiday Amy basked in the sun...
    e.g. Crocodiles bask on the small sandy beaches.

2. 沉浸于,尽情享受(赞美、宠爱或崇拜)
    If you bask in someone's approval, favour, or admiration, you greatly enjoy their positive reaction towards you.

    e.g. He has spent a month basking in the adulation of the fans back in Jamaica...
    e.g. Livy smiled and basked in Rachel's approval.

bask 单语例句

1. Rather than peruse the clothes and accessories put carefully on display, most of them appeared to have entered the store to bask in free air conditioning.

2. They want to learn more about Hong Kong history and bask in nostalgia.

3. bask的近义词

3. Travel back 13 years when no one would have thought the dying Apple company would bask in the glory it does today.

4. You may resent friends for stealing your limelight but let them bask in their fifteen minutes.

5. So it has always seemed obvious to use part of my annual vacation to head home and bask in the sun.

6. The glass ceiling allows for a much missed opportunity to bask in the warmth of the sunshine and good conversation.

7. bask的反义词

7. But while Pitt and Jolie bask in their fame and power, they are not the most searched people on the Internet.

8. With an election in Britain likely to be held this year, he will be hoping to bask in Obama's reflected glory.

9. bask

9. Cycle along the roads on the Sun Island, one can bask in the beauty of nature amid the concrete jungle.

10. bask在线翻译

10. I turned to walk away, allowing myself to bask in the glow of my first real victory.

bask 英英释义


1. be exposed

    e.g. The seals were basking in the sun

2. derive or receive pleasure from
    get enjoyment from
    take pleasure in

    e.g. She relished her fame and basked in her glory

    Synonym: enjoy relish savor savour