
basket [ˈbɑ:skɪt]  [ˈbæskɪt] 



basket 基本解释


名词篮; 一篮; (篮球运动的)篮; 投篮得分

动词把…装入篮内; 把…丢入字纸篓里

basket 相关例句


1. They were carrying several baskets of fruit to the market.

2. Mary came up to me, carrying a basket of apples.

basket 网络解释


1. 筐:体力活,也不难,就是把大筐(basket)里的金属件(都是金属板材的冲压弯折件,形体不小,重量不重,边角拉拔(东北话,就是毛毛糙糙),不戴手套容易划伤手)按数目搬到分类筐里,这个25件,那个75件的.

2. 篮球:速滑鞋(Artistic)、越野轮滑(Off-road)、轮滑舞蹈(Dance)等,此外还有一些由轮滑与其他运动项目衍生出来的轮滑跳高(Jump)、轮滑花式刹停(Slide)、轮滑篮球(Basket)等.

basket 词典解释

1. 篮子;篓子;筐子
    A basket is a stiff container that is used for carrying or storing objects. Baskets are made from thin strips of materials such as straw, plastic, or wire woven together.

    e.g. ...big wicker picnic baskets filled with sandwiches.
    e.g. ...a laundry basket.

2. (用于比较不同货币或商品价值的)一篮子,一组(货币或商品)
    In economics, a basket of currencies or goods is the average or total value of a number of different currencies or goods.

    e.g. The pound's value against a basket of currencies hit a new low of 76.9.
    e.g. inflation measure that gauges the price of a fixed basket of goods and services.

3. (篮球运动的)篮
    In basketball, the basket is a net hanging from a ring through which players try to throw the ball in order to score points.

4. see also: bread basket;hanging basket;wastepaper basket. to put all your eggs in one basket
     -> see egg

basket 单语例句

1. The US Dollar Index measures the performance of the US dollar against a basket of currencies.

2. basket什么意思

2. On the reform of China's currency exchange rate system, Zhou reiterated Wednesday the central bank would take into consideration a basket of selected currencies.

3. Sales in the region benefited from the decline in the US dollar, which dropped an average of 12 percent against a basket of six foreign currencies.

4. basket

4. The central bank abandoned its currency peg to the US dollar in July 2005 and linked the renminbi to a basket of currencies.

5. He said there was room for discussion on whether the yuan could be tied to a basket of currencies rather than just the dollar.

6. The yuan has roughly been pegged to the dollar, although it's officially pegged to a basket of currencies.

7. The company also said it expects China to peg the renminbi to a basket of currencies instead of linking it directly to the greenback.

8. The deal sparked a 1 percent drop in the dollar index against a basket of currencies while the euro rallied.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. The intention is to increase the currency's flexibility and make it better reflect market supply and demand relations with reference to a basket of currencies.

10. China started its managed float exchange rate regime aimed at a basket of currencies in 1994.

basket 英英释义



1. a score in basketball made by throwing the ball through the hoop

    Synonym: field goal

2. a container that is usually woven and has handles

    Synonym: handbasket

3. horizontal circular metal hoop supporting a net through which players try to throw the basketball

    Synonym: basketball hoop hoop

4. the quantity contained in a basket

    Synonym: basketful