


bassoons 基本解释
巴松管吹奏者;巴松管,低音管( bassoon的名词复数 );
bassoons 网络解释


1. 低音管、巴颂管:クラリネット clarinets 单簧管、黑管 | バスーン bassoons 低音管、巴颂管 | サクソフォン saxophones 萨克斯管

2. 巴松管:文森特?高vincent goh* | 巴松管/ bassoons | 艾云?路易士evan lewis **

bassoons 双语例句

1. Quiet redirection subsequently issues from the bassoons, which take up the wandering piano-theme, while the piano itself goes over into a pp semiquaver accompaniment.

2. Bassoons and flutes enter one after another as the piano goes into a more acute mezzoforte run, dense with repeated notes, octaves and fourths.

3. We got rid of all gloom in the excitement of the exercise, and our pleasure was increased by the arrival of the Gimmerton band, mustering fifteen strong: a trumpet, a trombone, clarionets, bassoons, French horns, and a bass viol, besides singers.
    劳作的郁闷被这个令人令人兴奋的消息驱散了,更让我们兴奋的是 GIMMEERTON 乐队的到来,乐队有 15 之多,喇叭,长号,单簧管,巴颂管,法国号,古提琴,还有一些歌手。


4. A clef that puts middle C on the fourth line of the staff; used for writing music for bassoons or cellos or tenor horns.

5. In the second act there was scenery representing monuments, and a hold in the drop at the back that represented the moon, and shades were put over the footlights, and trumpets and bassoons began playing, and a number of people came in on the right and on the left wearing black cloaks.


6. Scored for2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, soprano, alto, tenor and strings.