
batrachian [bə'treɪkɪən]  [bə'treɪkɪrn] 

batrachian 基本解释

名词无尾两栖类动物, (尤指)蛙或蟾蜍


batrachian 网络解释


1. 蛙类的:Batrachia 蛙类 | batrachian 蛙类的 | batrachoid 似蛙的

2. 无尾两栖动物:batrachia 无尾两箩动物 | batrachian 蛙类的 | batrachian 无尾两栖动物

3. 无尾两栖类的:无尾两栖动物batrachian | 无尾两栖类的batrachian | 无尾无翼的走禽apteryx

4. 蛙类的, 无尾两栖类的 无尾两栖动物:Batrachia || 蛙类 | batrachian || 蛙类的, 无尾两栖类的 无尾两栖动物 | batrachiolin || 蛙卵磷蛋白

batrachian 双语例句

1. The presence of a mosaic of salientian and caudatan characters in this small fossil makes it a key taxon close to the batrachian divergence.

2. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the batrachian divergence occurred in the Middle Permian, rather than the late Carboniferous as recently estimated using molecular clocks18, 22, but the divergence with caecilians corresponds to the deep split between temnospondyls and lepospondyls, which is congruent with the molecular estimates.

batrachian 英英释义


1. any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping
    semiaquatic and terrestrial species

    Synonym: frog toad toad frog anuran salientian



1. relating to frogs and toads

    Synonym: anuran salientian