
battlefront ['bætlˌfrʌnt]  ['bætəlˌfrʌnt] 

battlefront 基本解释


名词前线; 战线; 战场

battlefront 网络解释

1. 前线:battlefield 战场 | battlefront 前线 | battleground 战场

2. 战场:七七事变 the Incident of July,7 | 战场 battlefront | 太原会战 Battle of Taiyuan

3. 前线 (名):battlefield 战场; 沙场 (名) | battlefront 前线 (名) | battleground 战场, 战地 (名)

battlefront 单语例句

1. But none of this ever stopped him from returning to the battlefront.

2. But he also cautioned that cutting troops'time on the battlefront will impose limits on what the military can do in the future.

3. The Obama administration's decision to switch America's main battlefront from Iraq to Afghanistan is more than a geographic shift.

4. " American soldiers would do the same on the battlefront for their buddies, " one student said.

5. The marred marriage ended in 1947, with Tang's death at the battlefront in Northeast China.

6. The battlefront expanded and the United Nations was helpless to exercise its influence.

battlefront 英英释义


1. the line along which opposing armies face each other

    Synonym: front front line