
bauxite [ˈbɔ:ksaɪt]  [ˈbɔkˌsaɪt] 

bauxite 基本解释



bauxite 网络解释

1. 铝土矿:似矿物是天然产出的固体,其不能符合严谨的矿物定义,因为似矿物没有明显定义之化学成份,或没有特定的结晶构造,也就是说其内部的原子排列是没有系统性规则的排列,例如褐铁矿(limonite)、蛋白石(opal)、及铝土矿(bauxite)等.

2. 铝矾土:铝矾土(bauxite)的化学性质(中英文)铝矾土(bauxite)的化学性质(中英文)性质:包括三水铝石、一水硬铝石、一水软铝石、赤铁矿、高岭石、蛋白石等多种矿物的混合体,成分变化很大.

3. 铝土:俄铝上月公布,今年第一季的铝土(Bauxite)产量年减34.2%成为300万公吨,预计今年产量将削减560万公吨. 第一季的氧化铝(Alumina)产量年减25.3%至210万公吨,预计至年底产量将削减390万公吨,约是去年产量的34%.

4. 矾土:铝矾土(bauxite)的化学性质,最好英文的. 如题,铝矾土(bauxite)的一些化学性质,越多越好,比如和什么反应啊等等的化学性质(最好是英文网站上的,中文的也行)性质:包括三水铝石、一水硬铝石、一水软铝石、赤铁矿、高岭石、蛋白石等多种矿物的混合体,

bauxite 词典解释

1. 铝土矿;铝矾土
    Bauxite is a clay-like substance from which aluminium is obtained.

bauxite 单语例句

1. Bauxite is refined into alumina, the raw material used to make aluminum.

2. bauxite

2. Cooperation in bauxite and alumina production was also part of the framework in the previous strategic partnership announced on Feb 12.

3. bauxite

3. Red sludge is a byproduct of the refining of bauxite into alumina, the basic material for manufacturing alumina.

4. bauxite

4. Red sludge is a byproduct of the refining of bauxite into alumina, the basic material for manufacturing aluminum.

5. The smelting expansion could increase China's imports of bauxite and alumina, the raw materials used to make the metal.

6. The Brazilian locations are also investigating several potential commercial applications for bauxite residue, the largest volume waste of the refining process.

7. Iron ore at 6 percent and bauxite at 50 percent underlined the important role imports are playing in the country.

8. China has become the world's largest aluminum products maker and consumer, but China's bauxite resources only account for 2 percent of the world total.

9. The province has one of China's biggest reserves of bauxite and it is the largest coal producer in southern China.

10. Rio and Chinalco have adjacent bauxite deposits in the Australian state of Queensland and have held talks on possible cooperation in recent years.

bauxite 英英释义



1. a clay-like mineral
    the chief ore of aluminum
    composed of aluminum oxides and aluminum hydroxides
    used as an abrasive and catalyst