be calculating

be calculating

be calculating 单语例句

1. It would be good if those calculating Japanese politicians could finally appreciate the benefit of good neighbourly ties with China.

2. Tack said that although Chinese investors have been painted as unsophisticated, they have proven to be quite calculating in their purchases.

3. be calculating的解释

3. Such a conclusion can also be proved by calculating the figures for December 2007 and January 2008.

4. Calculating a whale's age can be difficult, and is usually gauged by amino acids in the eye lenses.

5. be calculating的反义词

5. Whether a house should be included while calculating personal property is also a problem, the mayor said.

6. The association said some adjustments were made to its calculating methods to ensure last year's revenue figures could be fairly compared with each other.

7. People tend to be overly sensitive on this day, so be careful or your sometimes exploitive and calculating nature might get you into trouble.