be engaged to marry

be engaged to marry

be engaged to marry 双语例句

1. The engagement, will be refers to the non-spouse the men and women both parties to marry beforehand agreement by the future which will do for the goal, the engagement establishment is called the engagement generally or becomes engaged.

2. On the other hand, La Sanseverina in Stendhal`s Chartreuse de Parme, believing that it is passion which endows man with his real value, would have declared that agrand passion justifies its sacrifices, and must be preferred to the banality of such conjugal love as would unite Stephen to the little goose he was engaged to marry.

3. On the other hand, La Sanseverina in Stendhal`s Chartreuse de Parme, believing that it is passion which endows man with his real value, would have declared that a grand passion justifies its sacrifices, and must be preferred to the banality平凡; 陈腐of such conjugal结婚的; 配偶的love as would unite Stephen to the little goose he was engaged to marry.