be in transit

be in transit

be in transit 单语例句

1. In cities such as Denver where the transit won't be visible, enthusiasts will watch live webcasts of the event from Greece and other countries.

2. Lavrov said the transit would be conducted by rail and air using an airfield in the city of Ulyanovsk in Central Russia.

3. Last week, art conservationists warned it could be damaged in transit.

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4. Under the agreement, taxes or tolls will not be imposed on transport in the territories of transit countries.

5. Zhang added that there would be stations both in Wuxi and Suzhou along the rapid transit railway between Nanjing and Shanghai.

6. The investment will be mainly in infrastructure construction, including airport and urban transit projects.


7. " Eighty percent of new rail transit lines will be built in downtown areas, " he said.