
bead [bi:d]  [bid] 


bead 基本解释

名词有孔小珠,念珠; 水珠,露珠; 珠子项链

及物动词用小珠装饰; 使成串珠状

不及物动词形成珠状; 起泡

bead 相关词组

1. draw a bead on : 向...瞄准;

bead 相关例句


1. His face was beaded with small particles of rain.

2. Tears were beaded on her cheeks.


1. Sweat beaded up on his forehead.


1. Beads of sweat stood on his forehead.

2. Alice was wearing a string of beads.

3. She wore a string of beads round her neck.

bead 网络解释


1. 珠子:市场上其他产品的金属罐大多数都在罐体内装进1~2个珠子(bead)以防金属罐因内部压力逐渐减少而变凹或破裂. 这种方法固然可以,但金属罐的重量必然会增加,改装现有的罐体又会增加包装费用. 经反复试验,新制成的包装罐,

2. 胎圈:轮胎用浸胶帘子布存在于轮胎的胎体(CARCASS)部:构成轮胎骨架的单层或多层覆胶帘线部分,要求有良好的耐冲击性能和耐屈挠性能(有帘子布胎圈(BEAD)部:胎体帘线缠绕其上,与轮辋结合的部位,由胎圈钢丝及橡胶等构成(有帘子布)帘子布只用在半钢子午线轮胎上,

3. 念珠:研究员用聚乙二醇 (polyethylene glycol) 和聚苯乙烯 (polystyrene) ,造成可以感应甜、酸、苦、辣四种味道的化学传感器 (chemical sensors) ,然后把这些像念珠 (bead) 那样小的传感器放置在有凹陷位的矽晶片上 (silicon wafer) .

4. bead:beginning extended area descriptor; 起始扩充区描述符

bead 词典解释

1. 珠子;小珠
    Beads are small pieces of coloured glass, wood, or plastic with a hole through the middle. Beads are often put together on a piece of string or wire to make jewellery.

    e.g. ...a string of beads.
    e.g. ...a multicoloured bead necklace.

2. (液体的)小珠,小滴
    A bead of liquid or moisture is a small drop of it.

    e.g. ...beads of blood...
    e.g. He wiped away the beads of sweat on his forehead.

bead 单语例句

1. bead

1. It is also a great place to pick up bead work and is known for its sandals handmade from rubber tires.

2. Exports of the bead toys were suspended as soon as the recalls were reported, and the export license of the toy factory in Shenzhen has also been revoked.

3. bead的意思

3. The solid type generally looked like a small stick with a large end shaped like a bead and a small end shaped like a cone.

bead 英英释义



1. bead什么意思

1. a small ball with a hole through the middle

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. a beaded molding for edging or decorating furniture

    Synonym: beading beadwork astragal

3. a shape that is spherical and small

    e.g. he studied the shapes of low-viscosity drops
           beads of sweat on his forehead

    Synonym: drop pearl


1. bead

1. string together like beads

2. bead的解释

2. decorate by sewing beads onto

    e.g. bead the wedding gown

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. form into beads, as of water or sweat, for example